1. What is "Easy PreCustoms"? | |
Ans: | Easy PreCustoms contain a bundle of platforms, including online, Mobile Application (APP) and self-service stations. Pre-registration is not required, and applicable to enter customs information, thus suiting customers without "My Speedpost" or " EC-Ship " accounts. Easy PreCustoms self-service stations can also prepare and print posting forms / labels through “Post Now”. |
2. What is the reason for using "Easy PreCustoms" | |
Ans: | Stepping into the new era of e-Customs clearance for postal items, the postal administrations of many countries and regions have implemented eCustoms clearance requiring that the inward mail items* shall provide electronic customs information available on the posting form. After the mail items containing are posted, the relevant customs information will be sent to the destinations or relevant customs authorities for pre-clearance before the arrival of the mail items. Some destination Customs authorities have also adopted Green Lane so that deliveries of mail items to the addressee can be speed up. To meet the growing trend, Hongkong Post has implemented a thorough range of electronic customs declaration platforms for postal items. At present, customer can make use of "Easy PreCustoms" , "EC-Ship" or "My Speedpost" online platforms to prepare posting form, or provide electronic customs information before posting the mail items. |
3. Which services will the "Easy PreCustoms" be applicable, and who can use it? | |
Ans: |
Any customers who post Speedpost items*, Parcels (Air/Surface), Registered/Ordinary Packet (Air/Surface) to other destinations can use the platform. |
4. Do I need to pay for using "Easy PreCustoms"? | |
Ans: | Using "Easy PreCustoms" is free of charge. |
5. Is it necessary for customer to sign up for an "Easy PreCustoms" account? | |
Ans: | No need. Customers can use the platform directly. |
6. If the handwritten posting form of Speedpost or Parcel (Air/Surface) has been prepared, how does the customer provide the electronic customs information? | |
Ans: | It is very convenience to provide the electronic customs information. If the handwritten posting form has been prepared, the customer can fill in the relevant customs information in the "Easy PreCustoms" before posting the mail item. |
7. When shall the customer provide the electronic posting information? | |
Ans: | Customer shall fill in the relevant customs information in the "Easy PreCustoms" at mobile application function or internet platform before posting the mail item. If the posting procedures of the mail item containing no electronic posting information has been completed, customer cannot supplement the electronic posting information in the "Easy PreCustoms" anymore. No refund can be arranged. |
8. Which language the customer can use in inputting the posting information in "Easy PreCustoms"? | |
Ans: | English or the language accepted in the destination. However, "Easy PreCustoms" self-service station will only accept the posting information inputted either in Chinese or English. |
9. Can staff of Hongkong Post enter the posting information for customers? | |
Ans: | No. Since the information will contain customer/personal and customs clearance data, staff of Hongkong Post shall not enter the posting information for any customers. |
10. Will the customer have a record after completing the data-entry or posting form? | |
Ans: | After completion, the customer will receive an email notification if sender's email is provided. |
11. Apart from "Easy PreCustoms", can customer use other online platform of Hongkong Post to provide the electronic posting information? | |
Ans: |
Customers can also provide the posting information and prepare the posting form in “Post Now”, "My Speedpost" *or "EC-Ship"# online platform of Hongkong Post. The customs information will be sent to the destinations or relevant customs authorities which have adopted postal electronic customs pre-clearance after the item has been posted.
12. What is the impact if no electronic posting information is provided by the customer? | |
Ans: | For those Customs authorities which has request electronic customs information, those mail items which have provided the relevant information will be handled in higher priority. If there is no electronic posting information submitted by the customer, the destination Customs authority, who has adopted postal electronic customs clearance, cannot arrange pre-clearance before the arrival of the mail items. This may result in delay in mail processing and confiscation by the destination Customs authority, which can lead to delayed delivery. Hence, if electronic posting information can be provided before posting of the mail item, pre-clearance can be arranged by the destination Customs authority, which can enhance the efficiency of customs clearance and speed up the deliveries of mail items to the addressee. |
13. Which destinations require the electronic customs information mandatorily? | |
Ans: | Senders must submit electronic customs information when sending mail containing goods to Korea (effective from 1 July 2022), The Mainland, the 27 member states of the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Switzerland and Brazil. Since there is a growing trend of eCustoms clearance, many postal administrations will require sender to mandatorily provide the eCustoms data before posting the relevant mail items soon. Hence, we suggest the sender to make use of "Easy PreCustoms", "Post Now","EC-Ship" or "My Speedpost" online platforms to prepare posting form, or provide electronic customs information before posting the mail items so that the destinations or relevant customs authorities can arrange pre-clearance and speed up the clearance process. |
14. Is the personal information protected when customer is using "Easy PreCustoms"? | |
Ans: | The personal data collected from "Easy PreCustoms" online platforms will be used by Hongkong Post for processing the mail item, and will be transmitted via electronic data interchange to the postal administrations which have a business relationship with Hongkong Post, and destinations or relevant customs authorities. Hongkong Post would not use the personal data for any other purposes without customer prior consent unless such use is permitted or required by law. In normal situation, the posting data will be kept 6 months after the date of posting for customer retrieval. |
15. What is the system requirement for Easy PreCustoms? | |
Ans: |
Browser – The HTML 5 standard has been applied to this platform, and users can access them with any browser that complies with the standard. But exactly how a webpage is displayed differs between browsers, computers and operating systems. Software – Adobe Acrobat Reader. Please download the latest version to view and print the documents which are in Portable Document Format (PDF). |
16. Why I cannot go to relevant APP after scanning the QR code of Hongkong Post mobile APP (Easy PreCustoms)? | |
Ans: | This is probably due to unmatched scanning path in the setting of the mobile phone. Customer can alternatively search the APP of Hongkong Post in "APP Store" or "Play Store". |
17. Is it possible to amend the wrong posting information submitted before or after posting the mail item? | |
Ans: | Any adjustment in the "Easy PreCustoms" shall be made before the mail item is posted. Customer can click the relevant link in the confirmation email for viewing or any adjustment. The posting information cannot be edited anymore if the mail item has been posted. |
18. How long will the submitted posting information be kept? | |
Ans: | The electronic posting information can be kept for 90 days in the system of "Easy PreCustoms" if the mail item has not been posted. Yet, if the item has been posted, the information will be available for 6 months. If the mail items belong to Registered/Ordinary Packet (Air/Surface), the electronic posting information will be destroyed automatically after being transmitted to the relevant postal administrations or customs authorities. |
19. Can "Easy PreCutsoms" system detect the repeated entry of the same item number? | |
Ans: | Yes. If a sender enters the posting information as shown on the posting form (e.g. Pos460 and Pos652) in "Easy PreCustoms", the system will instantly detect the item number entered. Any item number which has been used or has already submitted the posting information in "Easy PreCustoms" will not be accepted. |
20. Which post offices have installed the "Easy PreCustoms" self-service station ? | |
Ans: | "Easy PreCustoms" Self-service Stations are available in the specified post offices only. For details, please visit Hongkong Post website at www.hongkongpost.hk. |
21. How does the sender provide the electronic customs information for posting Ordinary and Registered Packet (including Air/Surface) ? | |
Ans: |
For Ordinary Packet, sender could make use of "Easy PreCustoms" online platform to provide: the electronic customs information. Customer can access the platform to prepare posting form and follow the procedure of the online platform to input the customs information, and then print out the posting form and stick on the packet for posting.
For Registered Packet, if senders are currently using "EC-Ship" online platform to prepare posting form, no additional electronic customs information is required. If senders are not using "EC-Ship" online platform, the method above could be adopted for providing electronic customs information. |